
Women’s Health Partners offers a wide variety of contraceptive options that will meet your needs and lifestyle. 

Birth Control Options Include:

  • Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs)
  • Progesterone Mini Pill (choice for a pill while breastfeeding)
  • Depo Provera
  • Nuvaring contraceptive ring
  • Nexplanon – birth control implant that is inserted into the arm
Contraceptive Options — Summerville, SC — Women’s Health Partners

IUD placement and removal

Women’s Health Partners offers a wide variety of intrauterine devices that will meet your needs. IUDs are placed and removed in the office setting by all of our providers.

  • Liletta is a levonorgestrel (progesterone) containing IUD that lasts for up to 5 years. Along with excellent contraception, it is also a treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Mirena and Kyleena are also levonorgestrel IUDs that prevents pregnancy for up to five years. Mirena has the same dosage and hormone as the Liletta. Kyleena has a lower dose of hormone and is smaller in diameter. Kyleena is an excellent IUD option for adolescents or women that have not had a child.
  • Paragard
  • Paragard is the only hormone-free IUD. It will prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. It is a good option for patients that cannot tolerate hormones or are contraindicated.

If you have completed your family, permanent female sterilization may be an option for you.

Traditional sterilization procedures

We offer different options for permanent sterilization if your family is complete.

  • Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy is an outpatient surgery requiring general anesthesia. It is now recommended to remove fallopian tubes (instead of placing a clip on the tube or burning the tube) to decrease the incidence of ovarian cancer.
  • Tubal ligation is the removal of a portion of each fallopian tube and can be completed upon request or the day after a vaginal delivery. Please discuss this with your provider.

Please talk to your provider about what the best contraceptive option is for you.

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